I dedicate my site to my sons, ancestors and all my relatives.

Greetings! My name is Igor Lytkin.

I graduated in 1997 from the Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov with a degree in Computer Software and Automated Systems, received the qualification Engineer.

My interests are scientific outlook, reading books, watching lectures by scientific popularizers (neurobiology, cognitive sciences, astrophysics, physics, mathematics and other sciences), playing sports (skiing, cycling, walking, swimming), healthy lifestyle, art and culture.

My motto is “There are two ways to live life: either as if miracles do not happen, or as if all life is a miracle” Albert Einstein.

My pages on social networks: FacebookTwitterLinkedIn

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My YouTube - Lytkin Science Lab by V.S. Popovich 

About my kind Lytkin.

In the photo above from left to right - Zoya Nikitichna Lytkina, my maternal grandmother, Nina Nikitichna Baidakova (my grandmother's sister), the bottom row - great-grandmother Alexandra Dmitrievna Lytkina (Kolmogorova), great-grandfather Nikita Ivanovich Lytkin.